Let us invest for you like a pro.

Reach your goal
Choose a strategy
100% stocks
Love to go all in? With 'Sport PLUS,' you’ll invest exclusively in stocks.
Monthly payments
Without investing
CHF 60’500
With investing
CHF ~80’050
We offer everything your money needs
Reach your goals
Set up as many goals as you like! We’ll recommend the ideal investment strategy, a tailored savings plan and execute it professionally on your behalf.

Stay in full control
Change your investment strategy or choose a thematic focus at any time.
Let us do the work for you
We calculate your strategy, pick suitable investments and constantly monitor them for you.
Invest in ETFs and mutual funds
We invest cost-efficiently and broadly diversified in stocks, bonds, real estate and gold for you.
Get your money back at any time
You have full access to your money at any time. Buy and sell investments or transfer them between your goals.

Our investment strategies
Multiple saving options
Monthly savings plan
Set up an automatic transfer and relax as you make steady progress toward your goals every day.

One-time deposits
Do you have some cash aside that you want to grow? With Kaspar&, you can effortlessly invest both large and small amounts at the push of a button into your savings plans.

Use spare change
Automatically invest your spare change or transfer it to any investment goal to bring your dreams to life even faster.

Swiss quality

Invest in what matters most to you.


More than 6’000 clients can’t be wrong.
Get going in just a few minutes
Take the first step toward a stress-free future.
Become an investing pro
Elevate your financial knowledge: In our webinars, online courses, and market updates, we teach you the fundamentals of investing and keep you informed about the latest developments (in German).
Learn more