Triple your savings
Make a first step into a bright future

Save up to CHF 1’000 in taxes

Our Pillar 3a: Smart savings for a secure future.
Let your money grow
Start investing with as little as 1 Swiss Franc in one of our professional investment strategies.
Your money is secure with Liberty, the largest independent Pillar 3a foundation in Switzerland.
Use your spare change
The smartest way to save for your Pillar 3a.
Fully flexible
Open up to five Pillar 3a accounts for a staggered withdrawal strategy.
Save more than CHF 1’000 in annual taxes
Reduce your annual taxable income by up to CHF 7'258.
Easily transfer your Pillar 3a
Easily transfer your existing Pillar 3a to Kaspar&.
Take the first step toward a stress-free future.
Become an investing pro
Elevate your financial knowledge: In our webinars, online courses, and market updates, we teach you the fundamentals of investing and keep you informed about the latest developments (in German).
Learn more